Sunday, September 19, 2010

Some Tips from Kim Kiyosaki

Kim Kiyosaki, wife of Robert Kiyosaki and co-author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, shares some tips with us on how to build your business successfully, and become financially free. I read once that you can choose Freedom or Security. When you choose security, you forfeit both. When you choose freedom, security comes "on the side". Enjoy the article.


For every business that I've ever started--and I've started them all with my husband--we had no money. There's this idea that you have to have a lot of money to build a business or you have to have a lot of money toinvest. I don't subscribe to that. Borders bookstore started in a garage. Apple Computer started in a garage. None of those companies was highly financed. When it comes to property, Robert and I were broke for quite a while. We were homeless for a short period of time when we were building our businesses. But when it came to investments, we didn't have money, either. My very first investment was a little two-bedroom, two-bath house in Portland, Oregon, and I needed a $5,000 down payment and I didn't have it--but I found a way to get it. But the thing I'd say about investing, especially about real estate investing, is to find the investment first because then it's a tangible thing. Otherwise, it's just talk. Once you find the investment, it becomes real to you. Then you can figure out how to find the money.

Read more entrepreneur stories here.

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